9.1.7 Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes
Ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes shall have an appropriate appearance.
For ceramic, concrete, terrazzo and similar tile finishes:
- joints should be straight and in alignment, unless the tiles are, by design, irregular in shape
- wall tile joints should be a minimum of 1.5mm for ceramic tiles, 2mm for smooth natural stone tiles and 6mm for textured tiles, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer
- floor tile joints should be a minimum of 3mm and proportionally wider for larger tiles, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer
- joints in floor tiles should generally not exceed the tile thickness, although wider joints up to 10mm may be necessary to accommodate dimensional irregularities in some tiles
- joints should limit the effect of dimensional irregularities, and be suitably arranged to maintain a regular appearance
- the variation in surface level should be within ±3mm measured using a 2m straight edge with equal offsets
- the variation in surface level between adjacent tiles should be 1mm or less where the joint is up to 6mm wide, or 2mm or less where the joint is over 6mm wide.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025