Also see: Insulation to services
Insulation to internal services shall be in accordance with relevant Building Regulations and installed to minimise the effects of freezing, overheating or energy wastage. Issues to be taken into account include:
- space heating and hot water
- intermediate floors
- systems without hot water storage
- systems utilising hot water storage. Space heating and hot water#
Pipework serving space heating and hot water systems should be insulated in all areas outside of the heated building envelope. In addition, pipes should be insulated in all voids within the building envelope and within spaces which will normally be heated, if there is a possibility that those spaces might be maintained at temperatures different to those maintained in other zones.
Areas considered to be impractical to install insulation include:
- where pipes are located within the adhesive zone, behind plasterboard dry linings
- where pipes are located behind plasterboard to a brick and block construction utilising batons. Intermediate floors#
Where pipework is installed within intermediate floors they should be:
- insulated to where they transition to run behind plasterboard. For clarity the bend radius to the point within the intermediate floor would satisfy this
- insulated over the complete in length including fittings, brackets and clips.
When installing pipes through timber joists, to prevent excessive hole diameters the insulation should only be applied between each joist, the pipe should be wrapped where they pass through the joist so they can move freely and without noise. Systems without hot water storageAlso see:
The following pipework should be insulated:
- pipework – within a garage (outside the heated living space)
- pipework – that passes through a roof space (outside the heated living space)
- pipework that passes through an external wall cavity, that is on the cold side of the external wall insulation (outside the heated living space)
- the primary heating flow and return where they pass through an intermediate floor (void)
- flow and return pipework where they pass through an intermediate floor up to the transition point where the pipework drops to radiators below (see general provision)
- pipework should be insulated to meet the minimum requirements in Systems utilising hot water storageAlso see:
The following pipework should be insulated:
- pipework within a garage (outside the heated living space)
- pipework that passes through a roof space (outside the heated living space)
- pipework that passes through an external wall void that is on the cold side of the external wall insulation (outside the heated living space)
- all hot water primary flow and return including where they pass through an intermediate floor (void)
- space heating flow and return pipework where they pass through an intermediate floor up to the transition point where the pipework drops to radiators below (see general provision)
- pipework within 1m of the hot water storage cylinder, or up to the point where they become concealed if practicable
- if secondary circulation is utilised, insulate all pipework that is kept hot by that circulation
- pipe insulation and hot water cylinders should be insulated to meet minimum requirements in
Last updated: 2nd January 2024