4.6.2 Provision of information
Earthworks design and specifications shall be produced in a clearly understandable format, including all relevant information, and shall be distributed to all appropriate parties.
The earthworks specification and accompanying information, including relevant drawings, should be submitted to NHBC at least eight weeks prior to the commencement of filling or associated works. The earthworks specification should also be issued to site supervisors, the earthworks contractor and relevant specialist subcontractors (see Clause 4.6.7 for details of what should be included within an earthworks specification).
An earthworks method statement, from the earthworks contractor or equivalent, should be produced and issued to all relevant personnel. It describes how the requirements of the specification are to be delivered, the plant to be used and arrangements for supervision and reporting.
In addition, the following supporting information should be provided to NHBC:
- desk study and ground investigation report
- geotechnical design report or geotechnical design statement (depending on which is relevant)
- materials classification (acceptability) assessment
- earthworks verification report.
This list is not exhaustive, and additional content may be required depending on site-specific circumstances.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025