10.2 Drives, paths and landscaping
This chapter provides guidance on meeting the Technical Requirements for drives, paths and landscaping, including:
- private roads
- shared private drives
- private drives
- car parking areas.
Definitions for this chapter
Commercial vehicles | Commercial vehicles are typically vehicles weighing in excess of 3.5 tonnes or capable of moving a payload of more than 1 tonne. Examples are delivery trucks, buses, large vans, bin lorries, and fire trucks |
Flexible retaining walls | Are typically walls that support the soil laterally and allow larger deformations of the unsupported edge of the wall compared to stiff or rigid retaining walls. Typical examples of these include any or a combination of the following: vegetated such as geotextile bagged walls, earth-reinforced and most gravity retaining wall structures such as gabion, crib, block or modular retaining wall systems |
Garden | Is the land within the curtilage up to 20m from the habitable parts of the home (ie, not garages/outbuildings). This distance is measured from the external walls |
Home | Includes a house, bungalow, flat or maisonette |
Light vehicles | Light vehicles are typically vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, and these include cars, SUVs, vans and minibuses |
Private drives | Are usually located adjacent to a property and typically within the curtilage of that property. Private drives and parking areas where located away from the immediate vicinity of a properties would usually have a barrier to ensure it is only used by cars and or light vehicles |
Private roads | Are roads that are unadopted or not maintained at public expense. They are usually wide enough for single traffic in opposite directions simultaneously, and may or may not have adjoining footpaths. Private roads will be expected to support frequent use by commercial vehicles |
Shared drives | Are usually single track private ‘roads’ to access private drives or private properties. Shared drives would be expected to support the occasional commercial vehicles on them |
Shared parking | Are typically communal parking area, which is accessible to the general public but are not adopted. There is usually little or no restriction regarding what type vehicles they are accessible to. They can sometimes act a turning head at the end of a public/ adopted road. Shared parking and access road/areas to them are expected to support frequent use by commercial vehicles |
Clauses for 10.2 Drives, paths and landscaping
- 10.2 Figure reference table
- 10.2.1 Compliance
- 10.2.2 Provision of information
- 10.2.3 Stability
- 10.2.4 Freestanding walls and retaining structures
- 10.2.5 Guarding and steps
- 10.2.6 Drives, paths and landscaping
- 10.2.7 Materials
- 10.2.8 Garden areas within 3m of the home
- 10.2.9 Garden areas
- 10.2.10 External decking
- 10.2.11 Landscaping
Last updated: 2nd January 2025