4.1.11 Further information
- BRE: Report BR211 – ‘Radon: Guidance on protective measures for new dwellings (including supplementary advice for extensions, conversions and refurbishment projects)’
- BRE: Report BR212 – ‘Construction of new buildings on gas-contaminated land’
- BRE: Report BR414 – ‘Protective measures for housing on gas contaminated land’
- BRE: Digest 383 – ‘Site investigation for low-rise buildings: Soil description’
- BS 5930 – ‘Code of practice for site investigations’
- BS 8485 – ‘Code of practice for the design of protective measures for methane and carbon dioxide ground gases for new buildings’
- BS 8576 – ‘Guidance on investigations for ground gas – Permanent gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)’
- BS 10175 – ‘Investigation of potentially contaminated sites’
- BS EN ISO 14688 – ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing. Identification and classification of soil: Part 1. Identification and description. Part 2. Principles for a classification’
- BS EN ISO 22476 – ‘Geotechnical investigation and testing. Field testing’
- CIRIA C665 – ‘Assessing risks posed by hazardous ground gasses to buildings’
- CIRIA C716 – ‘Remediating and mitigating risks from volatile organic compounds (VOC) vapours from land affected by contamination’
- CIRIA C735 – ‘Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems for buildings against hazardous ground gases’
- CIRIA C758D – ‘Abandoned mine workings manual’
- CIRIA C773 – ‘A guide to small brownfield sites and land contamination'
- CIRIA C801 – ‘Hazardous ground gas - a site management guide'
- CIRIA SP164 – Remedial treatment for contaminated land, Volumes I - XII
- DLUHC and its predecessor departments’ publications
- DEFRA and its predecessor departments’ publications
- CLAN 02/05 ‘Soil guideline values and the determination of land as contaminated land under Part 2A’
- Environmental Protection Act 1990: Part 2A Contaminated Land Statutory Guidance – April 2012
- Department of the Environment Industry Profiles – ‘Information on the processes, materials and wastes associated with individual industries'
- Department of the Environment – Waste Management Paper No 27 – ‘Landfill Gas: A technical memorandum on the monitoring and control of landfill gas’ and Environment Agency/Scottish Environment Protection Agency LFTGN 03 ‘Guidance on the management of landfill gas’
- CLEA (Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment) guidance and software Science Reports SR 1,2,3 and 7
- NHBC and Environment Agency R&D Publication 66 – ‘Guidance for the safe development of housing on land affected by contamination’
- CL:AIRE – ‘Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012: Interpretation for Managing and Working with Asbestos in Soil and Construction and Demolition materials: Industry guidance’
- HSE – ‘Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012’
- NHBC Foundation NF94 – ‘Hazardous ground gas – an essential guide for housebuilders'
- NHBC/RSK Group Plc ‘Guidance on evaluation of development proposals on sites where methane and carbon dioxide are present’ Edition No.: 04 March 2007’.
Last updated: 2nd January 2024