
1.2What’s changed

Major technical changes

The following major technical changes have been made to Standards 2018:

  • Clause 7.2.24 ‘Spandrel panels’ has been introduced.

Minor technical changes

The following minor technical changes have been made to Standards 2018:

  • Clause 5.4.4 has been amended to clarify the frequency of borehole monitoring.
  • Clause 6.1.6c ‘Frost attack’ has been revised to improve clarity.
  • A minor amendment has been made to the final bullet point of clause 9.1.7. relating to the tolerance of tiles.

3D models

3D models can be accessed directly within Standards Plus, the online version of the Standards, by clicking on the embedded icons. They can also be viewed on the NHBC 3D Viewer app, which hosts a library of the 3D models to view on iOS and Android devices.

Using your smartphone and QR reader, scan the codes below to go directly to Standards Plus 2018, or the NHBC 3D Viewer app (via the App Store and Google Play service).

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Got a smartphone and QR reader app? Scan the codes below to go directly to Standards Plus 2018, or learn more about the NHBC 3D Viewer app, via your phone’s web browser.