11.2.5 Behaviour in relation to fire
Closed panel systems shall have adequate fire resistance and resist the spread of fire and smoke. Issues to be taken into account include:
- fire resistance of the unit or panel
- cavity barriers and fire-stopping
- services.
Guidance within supporting documents to Building Regulations should be fully considered in the design and construction of closed panel systems.
The design and System Manual should clearly define:
- the overall fire protection strategy of the system
- which elements of fire protection are either factory or site installed. Fire resistance of the unit or panel
Walls and floors should have adequate fire resistance in accordance with Building Regulations, supported with representative test evidence to appropriate standards.
The performance of specific details should be taken into account, including:
- fire protection to the structure around openings
- junctions between adjacent panels and interfaces of wall and floor panels
- compartmentation including interfaces with fire doors and junctions with adjoining building elements
- service openings, voids and penetrations.
Structural insulated panels (SIPs)
Lifting holes should be filled and sealed using a material providing the same level of protection as the material removed. Cavity barriers and fire-stopping
The provision and installation of cavity barriers and fire-stopping should:
- be in accordance with Building Regulations and the design
- be designed to accommodate ventilation or drainage paths
- be used in accordance with manufacturers recommendations
- account for movement in the frame
- be specified to accommodate design, manufacturing and installation tolerances.
Moisture protection should be provided to horizontal and vertical cavity barriers.
Detailing and specification of cavity barriers and fire-stopping should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and supported with representative test evidence to appropriate standards. Services
Only the services shown in the design should be installed in closed panel system floors and walls, and:
- service penetrations should not impair the fire resistance of floors and walls
- service mains should not pass through separating wall cavities.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025