11.2.3 Structural design
Closed panel systems shall be designed to support and transfer loads to foundations safely and without undue movement and shall have adequate resistance to loads imposed during manufacture, transportation, and installation.
Closed panels should be securely fixed together and securely fixed to the floor and roof framing and surrounding construction.
Connections between closed panel and between closed panels and surrounding construction should:
- be designed to be structurally adequate
- include clear method of connection in the System Manual and Installation Manual
- be designed to avoid the risk of damaging or compromising the functional performance of factory installed elements such as breather membranes, AVCLs and lining boards.
Closed panel timber frame
The design of structural walls should be in accordance with Chapter 6.2 External timber framed walls. Load-bearing internal walls should be designed in accordance with Chapter 6.3 Internal walls, and floors should be designed in accordance with Chapter 6.4 Timber and concrete upper floors.
Structural insulated panels (SIPs)
The design of SIPs should be in accordance with the independent technical approvals authority certification. The scope of the certification should consider the design of a structure using the system, including panel connections and connections with other supporting elements such as intermediate floors, and not the panels in isolation.
Load-bearing internal walls should be designed in accordance with Chapter 6.3 Internal walls, and floors should be designed in accordance with Chapter 6.4 Timber and concrete upper floors.
Closed panel light steel frame
The design of structural walls, structural floors and overall stability should be in accordance with Chapter 6.10 Light steel framed walls and floors.
Temporary loads
Structural design of the units should consider the loads imposed during manufacture, storage, lifting and transportation and provide sufficient stiffness or protection against inadmissible deformation or deflection. See also Clause 11.1.8.
Where required, the design should specify temporary bracing and/or additional support arrangements for large openings or weak points in the structure and clearly identify the conditions under which such works can be removed.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025