11.1.4 Quality management
MMC systems shall be from a manufacturer operating under a quality management system acceptable to NHBC. Issues to be taken into account include:
- factory production control
- traceability of components and manufactured units
- storage.
MMC systems must be supplied by a manufacturer who operates under a Quality Management System (QMS) which is certified by a UKAS accredited, independent certification body in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The scope of the certified QMS should cover the following activities:
- design and development
- storage of goods and completed system units
- transportation
- externally provided products
- production controls
- identification and traceability
- site installation and handover.
Refer to Clause 11.1.9 for guidance on quality management of installation and handover. Factory production controls
The manufacturer’s Factory Production Control (FPC) plan should include:
- inspection and test plan, setting out the scope and frequency of inspection and testing of critical components
- description of controls between design and manufacture to demonstrate the accepted design is being produced
- traceability of all components used in the system
- process flow chart of activities, including change control mechanism
- process for identifying and resolving non-conformities
- hold points, evidence and method of inspection and documenting inspections.
Units formed from steel should be manufactured and installed in accordance with the relevant parts of BS EN 1090. Traceability
MMC system units should be provided with a unique identifier in the form of an indelible Unit Identification Number (UIN), or unique digital marker containing a UIN affixed to the structure of the unit.
The indelible Unit Identification Number (UIN) should be accessible as far as practicable up to the point of handover. In addition:
- UINs or markers that can easily be damaged, dislodged or lost will not be acceptable
- digital markers should be of a type that can be easily read and accessed on site
- the location of UINs or markers should be indicated in the System Manual and Installation Manual
- as a minimum, the UIN should indicate the production number, unit descriptor (ie, unit type and variant), and date and place of manufacture.
The Unit Identification Number (UIN) should allow for traceability of all standard and non-standard components used to form the unit in accordance with the manufacturer’s Quality Management System. Storage
The manufacturer’s Quality Management System (QMS) should provide suitable provision for long term storage of units at the manufacturing facility if required. Consideration should be given to:
- indoor, covered, or conditioned storage areas
- regular inspection of stored units
- records and tracking of storage duration
- exposure limits of protective materials.
Refer to Clause 11.1.5 for guidance on site storage requirements.
Last updated: 2nd January 2025